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    PEAK TIME 結果共33筆

  • 「打工偶像」VANNER要來了! 5月新莊開唱「這成員」入伍缺席

    韓國男團VANNER去(2023)年參與選秀節目《PEAK TIME》,也終於被外界看見這群「打工偶像」不為人知的實力,除了去年7月來台北、高雄參加拼盤演唱會,也終於正式宣布5月10日要在新莊舉辦單獨演唱會,讓期待已久的VVS(粉絲名)如願以償!
    2024/03/28 17:50
  • 韓國8人男團NTX全員中文拜年! 靠《PEAK TIME》翻身沒忘台粉

    《PEAK TIME》去(2023)年播出後,讓觀眾發現原來不少已經出道的男偶像其實相當有實力,只是缺少一個發光發熱的舞台,節目結束後許多參賽者也都陸續來台與粉絲見面。節目上的「2點」團體NTX就特別錄製影片,8名成員都用中文跟台灣歌迷拜年,也預告之後會有在台灣的活動。
    2024/02/08 14:27
  • Taiwan High Speed Rail boosts services for Lunar New Year

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC) will add eight more trains during the Lunar New Year transport season from Feb. 6 to 15. These additional services include five southbound and three northbound trains. Tickets for these services will be available starting midnight on Saturday, Jan. 27. During the passenger peak period, THSRC will also expand unreserved seating across eight carriages on trains running between Nangang and Taichung. THSRC will provide a total of 461 additional train services over the Lunar New Year period, with 246 southbound and 215 northbound trains. Passengers are advised to plan in advance by checking the corporation’s website for transport season sales information and avoiding peak times. Real-time updates on passenger numbers at different stations will be available on the THSRC website. Stations implementing crowd control for unreserved seating will display a yellow or red light, indicating expected queue times of over 30 minutes or over 60 minutes, respectively. Passengers can also receive crowd control information and manage their travel plans via the T-EX mobile ticketing app.
    2024/01/25 11:12
  • Taiwan travel agents urge for earlier pre-strike notices

    The Travel Agent Association of R.O.C., Taiwan, has urged aviation unions to give a one-month notice before going on strike to mitigate social repercussions. They warned that another strike could have a devastating impact on the aviation industry. This call comes as EVA Air pilots, in collaboration with the Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP), have secured the right to strike. The planned strike is set for the Lunar New Year period, which is a peak travel period. The pilots aim to safeguard their rights, but the Travel Agent Association emphasized that such action would significantly affect consumers and travel agencies. They criticized past unplanned strikes by China Airlines’ cabin crew, pilots, and EVA Air’s cabin crew for disregarding consumer rights. The association emphasized the adoption of international pre-strike notice processes to allow sufficient time for negotiations and consensus-building, benefiting both consumers and labor.
    2024/01/23 17:33
  • Taiwan’s NHI reaches 91.2% satisfaction rate in 2023

    Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) has achieved a satisfaction rate of 91.2% in 2023, according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW). This is the first time the satisfaction rate has not decreased despite an increase in insurance costs. Previous reductions in satisfaction were observed in 2002 and 2006 due to premium increases, and in 2013 following the implementation of the second-generation NHI. The highest-rated aspects of the NHI were accessibility to medical treatment and the quality of medical care, with increased insurance costs ranking third. The satisfaction rate reached its peak during times of pandemic, likely due to the introduction of home-based medical care services and improved medical accessibility. Since 2021, the satisfaction rate has consistently remained above 90% and even reached a new all-time high during the pandemic. Taiwan has been ranked number one in the global healthcare index published by NUMBEO for the past five years. The NHI budget has also seen significant growth, increasing by over 48% from NT$590.5 billion in 2015 to NT$875.5 billion in 2024. The survey involved 3,257 participants aged 18 in Taiwan, and while public satisfaction with the NHI is high, physicians generally express lower levels of satisfaction.
    2024/01/06 17:11
  • Taoyuan Metro adds 4 new peak-hour trains amid rider surge

    Taoyuan Metro (TYMETRO) will add four extra train services during peak hours on workdays, aiming to reduce commuting time for passengers. The additional trains include two express services and two regular services, bringing the total number of peak-hour trains on workdays to eleven. This is the sixth round of increased services introduced by TYMETRO in 2023. Since April 17, 2023, TYMETRO has been expanding the number of trips to better meet commuter needs, with a focus on providing more frequent services during the morning peak period heading northbound. The express trains have been increased by six additional services, bringing the total to 18 express trips, benefiting Taoyuan commuters traveling southbound toward Taipei.
    2023/12/19 16:08
  • 太寵粉!文鐘業來台「1對1陪聊」 簽名會狂跳新歌當見面會在辦

    韓國歌手文鐘業今(2023)年以選秀節目《PEAK TIME》大翻身,除了即將參加PEAK TIME高雄安可場活動,11月26日更要舉辦粉絲簽名會,外型看似冷酷的他,沒想到這次特別準備台語自我介紹,「大家好!我是文鐘業!」讓粉絲直呼男神超親民,他也提前破梗即將在簽名會上帶來新歌的驚喜演出!
    2023/11/18 14:01
  • Taiwan’s health insurance to include Chinese students

    Taiwanese health authorities plan to include Chinese students in the island’s health insurance starting from the 2024 school year, according to Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan. Currently, international students must wait six months after arriving in Taiwan to be eligible for health insurance. The reform was prompted by concerns from Paraguay about the health rights of its students in Taiwan and was supported by Vice President Lai Ching-te, who advocated for equal treatment of Chinese students. Currently, international students with a residence permit and six months of residency in Taiwan can apply for health insurance at a cost of NT$826 per person per month. The Ministry of Health and Welfare, along with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Mainland Affairs Council, has been considering this measure for some time and has evaluated its financial impact. The inclusion of Chinese students in the health insurance program will require adjustments to premiums for all international students, but the overall impact is expected to be minimal. The new measure will not apply to students who are in Taiwan for short periods and not pursuing a degree. However, it could be implemented as early as September 2024 for international students with a residence permit. Despite a halt on Chinese students coming to Taiwan since 2020, 378 students registered in 2022. The peak of Chinese students in Taiwan was in 2016, with a total of 41,975 students.
    2023/11/09 11:29
  • 「冰塊腹肌」文鐘業單飛更紅! 11月台北簽售「誠意獻1對1合照」

    韓國偶像競爭激烈,許多人即便出道卻難以走紅,今(2023)年最夯的選秀節目《PEAK TIME》挖掘出許多寶藏男孩,尤其曾以男團B.A.P走上巔峰的文鐘業,更是因此被發現唱跳實力與超猛身材。這次文鐘業不僅要隨團前往高雄演出,更準備了簽售會活動,祭出一對一合照福利要回饋一路陪伴他的粉絲!
    2023/11/03 11:17
  • Retail and catering revenues reach all-time high: MOEA

    The Department of Statistics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced that retail and catering revenues from January to September have reached a record high. The retail and catering industries are currently experiencing their annual sales peak, with demand for clothing, skincare products, and travel expected to stimulate consumption during the autumn and winter transition.
    2023/10/27 15:57
  • M.O.N.T放話在台買房! 誠意唱3首中文歌「終於不是〈想見你〉」

    由Roda、Bitsaeon組成的韓國雙人男團M.O.N.T,今(2023)年在選秀節目《PEAK TIME》獲得第6名,也順勢打開知名度,除了7月中隨著節目冠、亞軍男團來台演出,今(9)天更是在台灣首度單獨開唱,其中曾在大陸青島生活14年的Roda不僅超接地氣,狂吃5塊雞排,還放話要在台北買房子了!
    2023/09/09 20:34
  • 單飛更紅!Highlight梁耀燮、《PEAK TIME》M.O.N.T相約9月撲台

    今(2023)年神級實力派韓團Highlight來台舉辦粉絲見面會,話題選秀節目《PEAK TIME》更找來3組人氣團體聯合舉辦演唱會,不過現在歌迷有福了,除了Highlight主唱梁耀燮9月底將單飛來台開唱,靠人氣選秀節目《PEAK TIME》翻身的兩人男團M.O.N.T同樣也要來台舉辦單獨的粉絲演唱會!
    2023/08/21 18:41
  • 影音/《PEAK TIME》3男團登台 M.O.N.T高喊:終於來了!

    2023/07/16 09:46
  • VANNER壓軸演出《PEAK TIME》演唱會 戳破台粉「裝懂韓文」

    在韓國選秀綜藝《PEAK TIME》中獲得最終冠軍的「打工男團」VANNER,今(15)日參與「PEAK TIME CONCERT [YOUR TIME] IN TAIPEI」演唱會,5名團員成為整場活動的壓軸團體。VANNER初次來到台北,相當驚奇台灣粉絲都會韓文,不過成員GON竟戳破:「其實有人不會吧?」
    2023/07/15 16:22
  • 《PEAK TIME》3團大秀真唱實力 這團〈想見你〉唱一句就忘詞

    韓國選秀節目《PEAK TIME》讓不少原本默默無名的男團翻紅,15日冠軍團VANNER、亞軍團SEVENUS與及第6名的M.O.N.T更在台北國際會議中心1天連續舉辦2場「PEAK TIME CONCERT [YOUR TIME] IN TAIPEI」演唱會。開場由M.O.N.T帶來魄力十足的表演,成員Roda更是展現驚人的中文實力,還吐槽同團成員Bitsaeon的中文口音不夠道地。
    2023/07/15 15:42
  • 《PEAK TIME》3團現身桃機「快閃30秒」 成員胸口比X拒收禮物

    韓國選秀綜藝《PEAK TIME》出身的3男團VANNER 、SEVENUS、M.O.N.T即將在15日舉辦演唱會,9名藝人14日中午分成兩班機來台,不過3團抵達桃園機場見到粉絲僅簡單揮手致意,並沒有多做停留或問候,從現身到搭上保母車約全程僅約30秒。
    2023/07/14 14:32
  • 韓綜追一夏!《地娛室2》零偶包嚇壞羅PD 女偶像重生選秀超熱血

    暑假已經開始,不論是上班族還是學生,沒事待在家裡追劇、看綜藝最涼快!《TVBS新聞網》為哈韓族們嚴選「LINE TV」上的超精彩的大發韓綜,有能讓大家能哈哈大笑過一夏的搞笑節目,更有熱血無比的選秀!
    2023/07/13 09:00
  • 千條私訊狂敲碗! 《PEAK TIME》3男團「台北演唱會確定加場」

    韓國選秀綜藝《PEAK TIME》出身的3男團VANNER 、SEVENUS、M.O.N.T即將來台舉辦演唱會,因節目翻紅的他們也很爭氣,7月15日的演唱會門票已經售罄,主辦也宣布將在同天下午1點加場,消息傳回韓國,9位準備來台的成員也承諾絕對會帶著最棒的演出,親自謝謝所有粉絲的厚愛!
    2023/06/28 19:15
  • 大國男兒相隔12年再撲台! 預告7月演唱會有「台灣限定演出」

    韓國男團「大國男兒」原為5人男團,不過其中3名團員Jay、仁俊、Karam參加選秀節目《PEAK TIME》還翻紅,現在也以「大國男兒二代團」身分活動,睽違12年,Jay、仁俊、Karam即將於7月15日來台舉辦活動,他們也搶先透露已經準備好中文歌要唱給台灣粉絲聽!
    2023/06/06 17:23
  • 《PEAK TIME》戰場移師台北! 3男團7月開唱竟撞期大國男兒

    韓國選秀綜藝《PEAK TIME》找來已出道卻遲遲沒能大紅的男團在節目上一較高下,也讓許多粉絲見識到原來有這麼多隱藏的「寶藏男團」,節目結束後不少團體翻紅也展開活動,節目冠軍VANNER、亞軍SEVENUS跟第6名的M.O.N.T等,一共9名帥氣男偶像確定7月15日要來台開唱,不過正巧同天還有另一《PEAK TIME》參賽男團「大國男兒」也要在台北舉辦活動。
    2023/06/02 13:55
  • 靠《PEAK TIME》翻身成百萬男團 大國男兒預告台粉:要來了

    韓團「大國男兒」二代團今(2023)年透過選秀綜藝《PEAK TIME》再造聲勢,節目上3名成員Jay、仁俊、Karam展現精湛歌舞,雖然未能走完節目全程就下車,不過他們20日在首爾舉辦粉絲見面會,門票全數秒殺,3位成員更為了粉絲卯足全力,大秀性感部位、跳女團舞蹈、玩測謊機考驗真心,還重現百萬點閱名曲,現在更搶先向台灣粉絲喊話,要大家等等台灣場的好消息!
    2023/05/23 17:58
  • 男偶像爆泳池極樂趴「與AV女優合照」 《PEAK TIME》開鍘了

    韓團大國男兒2010年出道,當時就以他們的偶像東方神起為目標而努力,可惜發展不順,直到最近選秀節目《PEAK TIME》表演東方神起名曲〈Mirotic〉才又翻紅,沒想到其中成員Karam(朴賢哲)被爆料泳池極樂趴、跟AV女友合照,私生活備受檢視,《PEAK TIME》現在也決定讓整團退出節目。
    2023/04/08 12:08
  • B.A.P力燦認2度猥褻!當庭再曝第3起 衰捲「男團性騷成員」醜聞

    韓國男團B.A.P出身的文鐘業最近在偶像選秀節目《Peak Time》上大放異彩,讓人感嘆過去「三代團」實力,同團隊友金力燦卻仍深陷性騷風波,4月3日法院開庭審理,沒想到除了先前的2起案子以外,還當庭揭露金力燦涉及第3起性犯罪案件。無巧不巧,當天還爆出有「男團性騷隊友」醜聞,兩起案件一度被混淆,經過時間軸比對後,應是其他男團之案件。
    2023/04/05 11:25
  • 《PEAK TIME》男星流出床上片 泳池極樂開趴「明日花綺羅現身」

    韓國選秀節目《PEAK TIME》找來出道後卻無人關注的男團,或是因公司、生涯規劃等問題而暫停活動的男偶像,給他們再一次翻紅的機會,包含B.A.P文鐘業、BAE173李翰潔都因此再受矚目,不過也有人的黑歷史因此被翻出,大國男兒成員Karam(朴賢哲)就被粉絲翻出以前充滿爭議的私生活,「床上影片」也被流出,現在節目也要查了。
    2023/03/30 11:28
  • 震撼!21歲男偶像事業正好轉 卻患「一病」 暫停演藝活動

    南韓21歲男星Go_U(悟有)為男團BLITZERS一員,先前剛參加完《Peak Time》選秀節目,他曾在比賽發出誓言,若沒有拿到獎勵就要將及肩的長髮剪掉,賽後他也確實履行了承諾,在淘汰時就是以短髮亮相,讓觀眾們留下深刻印象。雖然BLITZERS遭到淘汰,但藉由節目也讓更多人認識了他們,原以為演藝事業正要有所轉機時,卻不幸傳來團員Go_U因病必須暫停活動。
    2023/03/29 14:50
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